How To Wear Bone Conduction Headphones? – (The Right Way)

For some people, bone conduction headphones may be new and still an alien technology. Under such conditions, they may not even know how to wear bone conduction headphones properly.

In this article, we will learn how to wear bone conduction headphones the right way. Apart from that, we will also tell you what to do in different kinds of scenarios. So if you are interested and want to learn all this then keep on reading.

How To Wear Bone Conduction Headphones? – Correct Ways

How To Wear Bone Conduction Headphones

Wearing bone conduction headphones the right way is necessary so that you can get the most out of your headset. Apart from that, there are some things that you need to avoid when wearing them too.

So without wasting any more time let’s jump into it.

Fortunately, learning how to wear bone conduction headphones the right way is very simple. It doesn’t take much time and can be done in just a few steps. So here are they.

1. Positioning:

The very first thing that you need to keep in mind while wearing your headset is that it should be placed behind the ear. The headset should make contact with your skull or mastoid bone (the bone right below your ear).

Make sure that you are wearing the headphone in such a way that there is no pressure on your ear canal. Otherwise, it may cause severe pain and discomfort. You can opt to wear them over or under your ears. However, for the best results, it is necessary to wear them in front of your ears.

2. Cable Positioning:

Another important thing that you need to keep in mind while wearing bone conduction headphones is the positioning of the cables. You should make sure that they are out of your way and not dangling around. It may get caught on something and cause serious damage.

3. Tightness:

You also need to make sure that the headphone is tight enough for you. It should fit your head comfortably without causing discomfort or pain in any way. Wearing it too loose will result in poor audio quality and noise cancellation which are both bad for your experience.

4. Noise Cancellation:

Noise cancellation is important if you want to experience the best results possible. So make sure that you are wearing your headset in a way that cancels all forms of noise as much as possible. The tighter it fits, the better noise isolation you will get.

5. Avoid Hair:

If any part of the wire or headphones is touching your hair, then you definitely need to adjust it. This is because if the wire or earpieces are tangled with your hair then it may result in long-term damage to both.

Now that we have seen how to wear bone conduction headphones let’s look at some other things as well. These are very important so make sure you read them thoroughly.

Where Do You Put Bone Conduction Headphones?

Now that we have covered how to wear bone conduction headphones the right way, let’s move on to some important scenarios. In this section, we will learn where you should put your headset in different scenarios. So here are they.

In a Crowd:

If you’re wearing bone conduction headphones while walking through a crowded place then you should always keep it on your mastoid bone. However, if you are wearing them while sitting down then you may put them on the side of your head (where the headphone touches).

On a Call:

When taking or making a call with your bone conduction headphones, there are some things that you need to keep in mind. Firstly, make sure that there is no pressure on your ear canal. This will result in severe pain and discomfort which you want to avoid at all costs. Secondly, keep the cable out of your way while talking on the phone because it may get caught on something and cause serious damage if not handled properly.


If you’re driving with your bone conduction headphones on then you must keep them behind the ear. This way, you will be able to pay attention to the road and also get clear sounds from your headset. Also, make sure that the cable is out of your way and not dangling around or it may cause an accident if not handled properly.


During a hike, you will be able to experience the best audio quality if you wear your headset over your ears. However, it is still okay to wear them behind the ear during short walks or jogs. You can even go for completely wireless options if you want.

What To Do (Different Situations)

The best way to avoid damage to your headphone is to be aware of what you are doing while wearing it. So here are some things that you need to keep in mind while wearing bone conduction headphones-

1. Water:

Avoid exposing your headset to water as much as possible. It is mainly because it contains very sensitive and delicate electronic components. Even a small amount of moisture may screw up your headset so keep it away from water at all times.

2. Heat:

Make sure you never expose your headset to heat as well. Doing so can damage the internal electronics permanently and may even lead to a fire.

3. Swimming:


If you want to go swimming while wearing your headset, then make sure that it is tightly sealed and waterproof. Otherwise, water may enter the earpieces and damage your headphones as well as the internal components like batteries and wires. However, if your headset is designed to be waterproof then you don’t need to worry about it at all.

4. Excessive Use:

Exposing your headset to loud noises for long durations may damage the various components inside it permanently. So always try to keep the volume as low as possible. Also, don’t use your headphones while at crowded places with a lot of noise. This is because it can affect your hearing ability.

5. Falling:

It may sound a bit crazy, but it is better to be safe than sorry. So always handle your headphones with utmost care and make sure that they don’t fall from your hand while you are wearing them. Carelessness on your part can lead to permanent damage.

6. Storage:

The storage of your headphones is also equally important. If you want to avoid damage to your headphone then make sure that you are storing them properly. Do not store them near water or heat as this can result in irreparable damage.

Also, don’t wrap the wire around your device tightly as it may cause internal scratches which are bad for the overall performance of your headset. Packing them up properly won’t be a problem as long as you keep these things in mind.

Last Minute Thoughts

So how to wear bone conduction headphones? Well, wearing them is pretty straightforward. You don’t have to wear them in or on the ears. It is because these types of headphones don’t transmit voice through the sound canal.

Instead, they transmit it through the vibration of jawbones. Therefore, when wearing bone conduction headphones, you need to put them in front of the ear openings. This is where the jaw bone is located.

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article. If you’ve learned something new then consider sharing this article with your friends and family on different social platforms too.

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